5 Big Differences Between Possum And Rat

· Possum Removal

Rats are the medium size and belong to the family of rodents. Usually, rats are larger than mice and have long tails. Moreover, rats are more skinny than hairy bodies. On the other hand, if we see possums, they are small compared to rats. Also, possums have 70 different species and they are native to Australia. Even possums have hairy tails with a bushy appearance. However, many people get confused between possums and rats. Yes, rats and possums have common features. But still, possums and rats differentiate in many ways. Well, no worries, in this article we will be sharing the 5 Big Differences Between Possum And Rats. To know more about the 5 Big Differences Between Possum And Rats, read this article carefully. We have complete possum removal services by the Humane Possum Control Melbourne team.

5 Best And Common Differences Between Rats And Possums

Rats are considered to be pests whereas possums are not. Thus in this article, we will be exploring the "5 Big Differences Between Possum And Rat". So let's read the points below which acknowledge the difference between rats and possums.

  • Size Of Rats And Possum: Brown rats are considered to be larger than rodents. However, brown rats are not as large as possums. Thus in other words most brown rats grow at 0.5 to 1 mm. Moreover, brown rats are common in n areas. Also, black rats grow between 2 mm in size. However, on the other hand, possums are dependent on their habitats. You can even measure the possum about 2.5 mm. Additionally, the possum weight is 14 IBS. Moreover, smaller possums are common in the tropics.
  • Appearance Of Rats And Possums: Rats are the most identified pests in this world. Also, rats are slender and more like a rodent in appearance. Brown rats come with dark and grey fur. Thus black rats are usually black in appearance. However, both brown and black rats have pink feet and ears. There are many other rats for example fancy rats which are different in colouration. The possum is just not too close to the rats. Generally, possums have brown bodies and some of them have white speckles too. Moreover, possums have black ears. Also, possums have hairless tails as compared to rats.
  • Distribution Of Rats And Possum: Rat is one of the most distributed pests in this world. Thus the distribution of rats is mostly due to the presence of humans. Whereas possums are exclusively common in America. However, the Virginia possum is common in North America. Also, possums don't like to live in the desert region. Moreover, possums hate living in the mountain region.
  • Habitat Of Rats And Possum: Rats are adaptable and capable of living in any environment. Thus in the wild state, rats prefer to live in a wet environment such as shorelines. However, brown rats are common in urban environments and dark places. On the other hand, possums are semi-arboreal and tend to live in tree regions. Simply says possum in the forested region. Moreover, possums can be common in both urban and semi-urban areas.
  • Diet Of Rats And Possum: Rats are known as very picky eaters. Nevertheless, rats are usually movers and can do anything they want. Moreover, rats can eat foam and plaster. However, possums are also omnivores and also can eat everything. But they preferred food like dead material, insects and small animals.
  • Relation Of Rats And Possum With Humans: Rats are the most famous pest in the world. Thus rats spread various serious diseases to humans like fever, plague etc. However, rats are introduced by humans. Whereas, possums are not introduced by humans but make their shelter under the living being establishment. Moreover, possums are considered an important pest in the ecosystem.


Hope the differences are clear in the above article which is: 5 Big Differences Between Possum And Rat. Importantly whenever you notice the rats and possum infestation at your house. Then immediately hire experts for controlling the infestation. Professionals are much more talented in controlling rats and possums with modern tools and solutions. Read some insights on How to Get Rid of Possum?